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D. Robertson

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Status Updates posted by D. Robertson

  1. omfg happy birthday DORA!!

  2. TIIIMMMMM!!!!!!! whats up dude?

  3. Alright, take care Wes.

  4. I wish people would just leave Tim alone. Geez.

  5. exactly, with the right mindset and the right equipment, the possibilities are endless. I really look forward to seeing you guys at Ohio County. It is going to be great.

  6. exactly, just like it did Muhlenberg South in 2006. I really hope you guys can get back into finals with this show.

  7. Of course I'll be there. You guys were better at KWC in my opinion, blew me away. I friggin love your show.. lol. Can't wait to see it again.

  8. not much Wes, How have you been man? BTW Fantastic job saturday!

  9. I love how your reputation is better now =) I positived reped some of your posts to help.

  10. Dang Tyler, -28 ftw. haha. I'm sorry I gave you a few negative marks.

  11. I am your frst profile comment! woot. lol. JK. You have a good reputation

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