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J. Turner

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J. Turner last won the day on May 6 2014

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About J. Turner

  • Birthday 12/26/1989

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    Danville, Ky
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  1. First status update! How is everyone doing?

    1. K. Hayes

      K. Hayes

      Friendly you!

  2. Wonder how many people check this? Love ya bro! :P

  3. Yesterday afternoon I was taking a long shower to try and relax from the fatigue I was suffering from due to an unknown illness that (knock on wood) has gone away and was thinking about my current job as a computer tech at the local Office Depot and how much I actually enjoyed working with people and troubleshooting computer issues and it brought back my interest in programming and just the digital world in general. This is why tomorrow, as soon as possible, I’m going to the local EKU branch and discussing the possibility of going back to school now that I’ve matured even more and know what I for sure want to do with my career. Truth be told I miss going to classes. I miss the sense of being a college student. I miss the people that are on campus. I miss the free food. The free swag. Making new friends. Meeting new people. The sense of actually doing something worthwhile. This time around I will have no distractions or friends that put me down and make me feel like I’m worthless. I’ll have good friends as fellow classmates. I won’t have to worry about pleasing anybody because I’ve figured it out…2 years too late, but, it’s not about what other people think of me. It’s about what I want to do. It’s about my passions, dreams, and desires. The only pressure I should feel is pressure on myself to do the best that I can for myself. I will choose to do homework the same night it’s assigned instead of putting it off to go out somewhere. I will hang out with my friends after studying, not during. This is MY life. If I can offer any advice to any potential college students reading this it would be this: “Do what YOU want to do with YOUR life.”
  4. Greetings everyone! I would like to take this time to give all of you a short overview of who I am and where I came from. Hopefully this will give you better idea of my personality and character when you see my posts on the message board while also giving my opinion about contests etc in future blog posts. Past: I was born during the worst ice storm to hit this state on December 26th, 1989 and raised here in the Central Kentucky region. I grew up in the countrysides where the grass was always green and the knobs dominated the skyline. At night, stars would be as bright as fireflys and the crickets chirped a song to soothe you to sleep. I grew up in a divided house when my parents divorced my Freshman year of High School in 2004 which coincidentally is the same year I joined Boyle County's Marching Band. I joined the marching band because they had won the Class 1A State Championship for 3 years in a row and, being a member of band since my 5th grade year, I loved the idea of competing. If marching band wasn't competitive then I would probably have never joined and got in with a really bad crowd of hoodlums. The only thing that kept me back from joining my 7th grade year was my self-esteem was really low about my playing abilities and I didn't want to ruin their chances at another title because I "sucked" too bad. My first year of marching band was a swift kick in the mouth, so to speak. I never expected all the hard work and dedication it took to get at the level that they were at before I joined. I thought multiple of times about quitting but was talked out of it each time by my father.
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