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VKPRPHAN last won the day on September 2 2017

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  • Birthday April 13

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  1. These have been the first few times I've signed on since the changes. I really like the new changes. This blog is a great idea. I've been looking at the scores from the last few weeks of the Drum Corps season and if the scores hold up they way they are trending the Blue Devils are on their way to winning another title with Bluecoats and Crown fighting for second. The next few weeks will give a better idea on how close the corps are to each other since the major corps will meet up more at the larger regional events. Though I am a big Phantom Regiment fan I wouldn't mind seeing Crown win one this year. I remember watching them at Quarterfinals last year and being really impressed with them. It will be an interesting last month of the season. Marching band in Kentucky is starting up as some bands started camp this week and many others starting this coming week. One of the questions I have going into the season is will someone else in the two big classes (4A and 5A)step up and beat Madisonville and PLD or Lafayette? Another is can a Kentucky band make Grand National finals outright this year? We shall see on both questions. There has been something that I've been confused about. Why has some major names in KY marching band going though directors like crazy. GRC has a new director and John Hardin the same way. Is it the job or what is it. It would seem that really good band programs could keep directors for more than one or two years.I will say this about this year director changes though, there have been several good, young directors are getting their shot to direct their own band. I hope this trend continues as more jobs (assistants and head) open up because their are a lot of good music ed graduates looking to get a foot in the door to start their careers as directors. That's all for now. In my next post, I'll present my preseason Top 5 for each class and the reasons why I ranked them like I did. Also I'll update my views on on the Drum Corps season as they head through the last part of the season.
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